Caroline believes in collaborating with other organisations that share her values and goals. She is excited to be part of an ever growing network of organisations on a mission to support schools to improve both staff and student wellbeing.
Among her favourites is RethinkyourMind’s The School Yellow Book – a wellbeing toolkit to support young people in school. On a mission to normalise how we talk about mental health, RethinkYourMind launched The School Yellow Book, a beautiful book full of practical therapeutic techniques and coping strategies aimed at helping students survive a system that is competitive and fosters fear of failure.
Caroline contributed the NLP section of the book: two tools that she knows can help young people build their resilience and confidence.
Caroline is a contributor to RethinkyourMind's The School Yellow Book
Endorsed by the NHS and supported by Lord Patel of Bradford OBE, the book costs £4.50 plus p&p and can be ordered online here.
Providing every child in your school with a copy of The School Yellow Book and embedding the practices with a PSHE programme that teaches these tools of empowerment, could have a significant impact on your students’ general wellbeing and school performance. If your school chooses to buy a school set of the book, you will be provided with PSHE lesson plans.
Caroline is an Associate Consultant with The Teach Well Alliance
Caroline also works with The Teach Well Alliance, an organization that helps schools evaluate, improve and celebrate their wellbeing practices through its Teach Well Toolkit.
This is a whole-school approach to developing a culture of wellbeing that will improve attendance, recruitment and retention rates. The process follows John Kotter’s change management process and importantly is done with staff not to staff.
The Toolkit is available for purchase and can be implemented by the school’s Wellbeing Lead. TWA also offer a premium and an ultimate version of The Teach Well Toolkit which come with consultancy support as well as student ambassador training and you can find out more here.
The programme includes Student Wellbeing Ambassador training for Year 6, Years 9/10 or Year 12.
Caroline is an #IamRemarkable facilitator
I am thrilled to be an #IamRemarkable facilitator, supporting a Google initiative empowering women and other underrepresented groups to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond.
Many of us struggle when it comes to talking about our own accomplishments. Cultural and gender modesty norms as well as impostor syndrome can prevent anyone from acknowledging their remarkable attributes and expressing their achievements.
During the free 90 minute workshop, you will be invited to challenge the social perception around self-promotion, learn the importance of self-promotion in your personal and professional life and be equipped with tools to develop this skill. It is a participatory workshop in a virtual environment to boost your confidence and learn to express your achievements.
82% of participants of the 10,000 workshops that have been held worldwide have declared they feel more confident since attending the workshop. Register for my next workshop here or message me to book a workshop for your school.